2019 UHEA Music Recital
July 1st, 2019
Monday, 6:00pm
Provo City Library
550 North University Ave
Bullock Room #309
UHEA is holding a recital for instrumental and vocal solos and ensembles. This recital is intended to provide performance opportunities for current homeschool students. If you belong to a private or public school and would like to participate, please join a homeschool ensemble.
If you need a piano accompanist, one can be provided for you. Rehearsal dates are Saturday, June 29th or Sunday, June 30th. Please choose just one rehearsal date. We must receive music for the accompanist by Monday, June 24th. Mail or bring to 1127 N. Terrace Dr., Provo UT 84604. This is also where practices with the accompanist will be held.
Please sign up for the recital by Saturday, June 15th. To sign up, please copy and fill out this form, and send it to Marilee Boekweg at marboekweg@gmail.com.
We are excited to see our homeschoolers perform!